
A Helm Chart Repository

This repo hosts several helm charts for distributed computing projects made available via one helm repository.


To install the charts from this repo, you must first configure helm to use it.

# Add the repo to your local helm client's
helm repo add brannon https://helm.brannon.online

Once installed you can browse the available charts in the repo.

helm search repo brannon
brannon/folding-at-home	0.1.0        	7.5.1      	Donate compute for medical research and help cu...
brannon/mprime         	0.2.0        	p95v298b6  	Donate compute to search for prime numbers!
brannon/xmrig          	0.1.0        	5.8.2      	Deploy Monero miners in a Kubernetes cluster

Installing one is as simple as…

helm upgrade --install mprime brannon/mprime

Going Further

Each chart has its own README and CHANGELOG with information specific to its installation. For instance, the mprime chart’s instructions can be found in charts/mprime/README.md.


This chart repository is maintained by Brannon Dorsey. For questions or suggestions, please open an issue instead of emailing me directly. PRs welcome 😸.


All charts hosted in this repository are signed by my PGP key: 607390646A4291D3. You can verify packages are authentic while installing them by following the instructions below.

# Add my public key to your GPG keyring
curl https://keybase.io/brannondorsey/pgp_keys.asc | gpg --import

# You may also need to provide the --keyring /path/to/pubring.gpg if you're public keyring
# is stored in a different location. If this fails, check out the link below as the gpg key
# format may have changed:
# https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/2843#issuecomment-424926564
helm upgrade --install --verify mprime brannon/mprime

View the Helm Provenance and Integrity docs for more info.


New charts versions are released by bumping the chart version in charts/mychart/Chart.yaml and then running:

make release CHART=mychart

This will package the chart inside repo/mychart/mychart-VERSION.tgz and add the an entry to index.yaml. New commits pushed to the master branch are immediately released to https://helm.brannon.online and made available to the public via GH Pages.